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Long Overdue: the potential breakup of Live Nation
Live Nation has had a stranglehold on concert venues since 2010. The US government is stepping in.
“How Music Works” by David Byrne
A comprehensive breakdown of the music industry by David Byrne (of Talking Heads)
“Two Times Intro: On the Road with Patti Smith” by Michael Stipe
Michael Stipe’s analog documentation of Patti Smith’s tour with Bob Dylan.
Touring Internationally: Part 2 (feat. R. Ariel)
Musician R. Ariel’s thoughts on touring in the indie/DIY space. Part 2 of 2.
Touring Internationally: Part 1 (feat. R. Ariel)
Musician R. Ariel’s thoughts on touring in the indie/DIY space. Part 1 of 2.